Installing Tcnc

For now installation must be done by hand…

Example shell commands should work on MacOS/Linux. For Windows/Cygwin see Inkscape user extension folder location.

  1. Download the latest version:

    curl -L -O ""
  2. Unzip/extract the downloaded archive file (

  3. Copy or move the Inkscape extension description (.inx) files in tcnc-master/inkinx to the Inkscape user extension folder:

    cp tcnc-master/inkinx/\*.inx ~/.config/inkscape/extensions
  4. Copy or move the entire tcnc folder from tcnc-master to the Inkscape user extension folder:

    cp -R tcnc-master/tcnc ~/.config/inkscape/extensions
  5. Restart Inkscape.

Inkscape user extension folder location

  • MacOS, Linux:

    ~/.config/inkscape/extensions, where ~ is your home directory (i.e. /Users/YourUserName).

  • Windows:
